High Performance Player Profile: Nicolas-Guy Landry

Alberta Golf (Calgary) – Over the winter we will be doing player profiles on our high performance athletes. This week’s profile is on Nicolas-Guy Landry of Calgary.

Nicolas-Guy Landry is a grade 12 student at Springbank Community High School and is part of the Global Sport Academy run by Terry Carter and coached by Darryl James and Riley Fleming.

Landry was born in the European country of Luxembourg and started golfing shortly after he started walking.

“I started when I was 18 months old,” Landry admitted. “My two older brothers played, so did my parents and my Grandma. My brother turned pro over in Germany earlier this year, I was born into the sport I love and I still love it today.”

After moving to St. Louis and Quebec, Landry and his Canadian parents settled in Calgary in 2018 and he’s enjoyed playing golf out of his home course Country Hills Golf Club and being part of the Global Sport Academy at Springbank High School.

“I have been able to find a balance between my school life and my golf life and my social life.” Landry said. “I go to the indoor domes during the week to make sure my swing doesn’t get super rusty during the offseason but as well make time for myself and hang out with friends and I have been able to find a way to deal with all of that stress.”

The 17-year-old has enjoyed playing golf in Alberta and is very appreciative of the scholarship grant he received from Alberta Golf.

“It’s been an awesome journey so far,” Landry said. “The scholarship grant is really great, it allows me to play the sport that I love with more ease and it’s really motivating.”

Landry is looking forward to a full season of competition and is in no rush after High School graduation to leave Alberta.

“I’m probably going to take a gap year next year and make sure I’m not rushed into making any decisions that I will regret later on in life,” Landry admitted. “You don’t have to be a Matthew Wolff coming straight onto the scene winning golf tournaments, you can be older which relieves the pressure a bit knowing that I don’t have to be shooting 62 every day at 17 or 18 years old, there’s plenty of time for that.”

Landry points to his strong mental game as a huge strength and is working hard to tighten up one aspect of his game.

“If I had one thing that I would love to correct it’s my putting because if you’re making putts man are you ever good at golf.”

VIDEO: 1 on 1 with Nicolas-Guy Landry