Alberta Golf (Calgary) – Alberta’s Covid-19 relaunch strategy will see golf courses open across the province as early as Saturday, May 2nd. The news delivered by Alberta Premier Jason Kenny during a Thursday afternoon briefing.
Courses will operate under the NAGA-AB protocol document created over the past month. NAGA-AB consists of Alberta Golf, The PGA of Alberta, along with golf course General Managers, Owners and Superintendents.
NAGA-AB President Robert Rousselle said the hard work this past month of the entire golf course industry led to the good news.
“We are excited and support the Government of Alberta position on this afternoon’s announcement. The National Allied Golf Association of Alberta (NAGA-AB’s) role from day one was to be part of the solution at all levels.” Rousselle said. “We worked closely with all segments of our industry and government to support them with the proper tools to be successful with the prevention of COVID-19 challenges. The opening of the Golf Industry is a positive step forward in helping Albertans with mental health, physical activity and the recovery of our provincial economy. I have to congratulate the NAGA-AB team for the determination and accomplishment for the past month of hard work to develop a robust document to protect our guests, members and industry employees.”