Alberta Golf 2020 Competitions update
Golf courses are opening across the province and it is great to see Albertans enjoy this safe social distance activity. As golfers get exercise and help the economy we are also assessing our 2020 Alberta Golf competition schedule.
All Provinces and Golf Canada are in continued discussions with respect to competitions.
First and foremost we are in talks about the potential challenges running competitions would impose on all host clubs, we want to make the best decision possible for the courses, golfers and the industry.
We are surveying players and volunteers with respect to their outlook on competitions.
Once capacity and demand have both been assessed, we will then determine what options we have while respecting all AHS guidelines that will be present at the time.
At this point we have decided to cancel all Alberta Mens Amateur Qualifiers, the Alberta Mens Mid Master Championship and the Stewart Creek Rec Series event.
The final comprehensive decision regarding the rest of the 2020 competition schedule will be made the week of May 31st and no later than June 5th.
We still encourage registration for all Alberta Golf Championships you intend to play this season as we are exploring the possibility of running these as safe social distance competitions. In the event Alberta Golf cancels the event or the competitor needs to withdraw, entry fees will be 100% refunded.
We please ask that all exempt players for the Alberta Mens Amateur Championship as well as the rest of our 2020 tournaments notify us by THURSDAY MAY 21ST if you plan to use your exemption.
We look forward to updating everyone on our competition schedule in the coming weeks.